‘O’ Level (IT)

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NIELIT-‘O’ Level (IT)

NSQF Level:  4

NIELIT ‘O’ level course of DOEACC Scheme is equivalent to a Foundation Level Course in Computer Applications. Students can acquire this qualification by undergoing this course and passing the examination conducted by NIELIT. After completion of ‘O’ Level course, students can further enroll for next level IT course of NIELIT ‘A’ level. The course commences in the month of January and July every year.

Objective of the ‘O’ Level Course

The objective of the course is to equip a student with necessary skills as per following job role.

  1. User Interface (UI) Designer
  2. Web Designer
  3. Web Publication Assistant
  4. Office Automation Assistant
  5. IoT Application Integrator

Eligibility:  10+2 /ITI Certificate after 10/ 2nd year of a Government recognized polytechnic engineering diploma after 10.

  •        540 Hours
  •        2 Hrs. each working day

4 Hrs. a Day for Graduates

Structure of NIELIT ‘O’ Level Course


Paper CodePaper Name
First Semester
M1-R5Information Technology Tools and Network Basics
M2-R5Web Design and Publishing
Second Semester            
M3-R5Programming and Problem Solving through Python
M4-R5Internet of Things and its Applications
Practical Papers & Project
PR1-R5Practical based on the theory papers of the syllabus
PJ1-R5Project Work


Course Fee:  Rs 22,680/-  Course Fee can be paid in two instalments:

First Instalment              : Rs 12000/- (At the time of admission)

Second Instalment         : Rs 10680/- (in Second Semester)


Registration is a pre-requisite for appearing in ‘O’ Level (IT) examinations. Candidate has to register with NIELIT through student portal https://student.nielit.gov.in.  Registration will be valid for 5 years. Registration fee is Rs 500/-


1. Theory Examinations:

NIELIT “O” level theory examination is conducted twice in a year (in the month of January and July) by NIELIT HQ, Delhi. There is a number of examination centres all over India. The list of exam centers will be listed while filling of online examination form. Student can choose one of the exam centre according to their convenience. Full mark of each paper is 100 and exam duration is 3 hrs. Examination fee for each theory paper is Rs 750/- + Rs 100/- processing fee.

2. Practical Examinations:

There is one practical paper for NIELIT “O” Level Course. Students need to provide the option for appearing in practical examination while filling up examination form. The practical examination is based on the syllabus of M1-R5, M2-R5, M3-R5 and M4-R5 modules. Duration of each practical examination is 3 hrs. Practical Examination fee is Rs 500/- .

Project Work

‘O’ Level (IT) courses has a project as an important component. The project is carried out by the student under guidance and support of faculty. No marks are assigned for this, but Candidates are required to carry out the project successfully. Students who complete the project work submit a project completion certificate in the prescribed format for issuing pass certificate to NIELIT HQ.

Result of Examination

Result of NIELIT-‘A’ Level examination is published in the NIELIT HQ website http://www.nielit,gov,in  after 2 months of completion of the exam. Students can check their result from this website and can also get from the institute.

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